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Formerly, in West Sumatra, there was a kingdom called the Kingdom of Pagaruyung. Kingdom was led by a just and wise king. People were living senantian safe, peaceful, and serene. One time, the country's peace disturbed by the bad news that the kingdom of Majapahit of Java will attack them. The situation did not make the retainer Kingdom Pagaruyung trepidation.
"The enemy sought abstinence, abstinence comes rejected. If it can be avoided, but if pressed we face, "the motto of the leaders of the Kingdom of Pagaruyung.
One day, the kingdom of Majapahit troops arrived in whetting Jao, near the border of the Kingdom Pagaruyung. In place, they set up tents while offensive strategy to regulate Pagaruyung. Faced with desperate situations, leaders Pagaruyung soon hold court.
"Our country is in danger. The enemy is in sight. How do you think? "Asked the King who led the trial.
"Please, my lord the king. If may be servants of the proposal, should we face them with cavalry and troops bergajah, "suggested warlord kingdom.
"Wait a minute! We should not be hasty, "protested the king's advisers," If we attack them with a great army, a fierce battle will occur. Of course this will harm the people's war. "
The atmosphere began to heat up the trial. The wise king was immediately reassured her.
"Calm down, folks!" Said the King, "I agree with the opinion of the Advisory Uncle. But, what Uncle proposal that war casualties are not? "
The question of the King was making all trial participants was silent. The atmosphere became quiet. All the attention drawn to the king's advisers. They did not wait to hear his opinion. A few moments later, the king's advisers spoke.
"Please, my lord the king. To avoid bloodshed, it would be nice if the enemy whom we negotiate. We welcome them at the border and then negotiate with them. If they refuse, then we challenge them buffalo fights, "said the king's advisers.
"Hmmm ... good idea, "said the King," What do you all think? "
"Agreed, my lord the king," answered all trial participants simultaneously.
Furthermore, the King with punggawanya any strategy to defeat the enemy without bloodshed. The king immediately ordered the daughter of Datuk Tantejo Garhano to decorate the girls and ladies in waiting that beautiful palace with beautiful clothes. Datuk Tantejo Garhano is a princess who has the manners and softness. Properties that had been taught to their daughters as well as lady's maid in the palace.
After all is ready, Datuk Tantejo Garhano with their daughters as well as lady's maid to the border to the palace to greet the arrival of enemy troops. They also carry a variety of delicacies to entertain the troops Majapahit. Meanwhile, from a distance, troops Pagaruyung seen standing guard to keep all possibilities that could happen.
Shortly after the group arrived Datuk Tantejo Garhano at the border, the enemy troops from Majapahit was arrived at that place.
"Welcome, dear gentlemen, 'said Datuk Tantejo Garhano politely and gently," We are the messengers of the Kingdom Pagaruyung. King we are very pleased with the arrival of gentlemen at court. But first, please be sampled once hindangan the ones we have! Gentlemen must have felt hungry and tired after a long journey. "
Looking at the treatment of the beautiful women, the Majapahit troops be amazed. They had previously thought that their arrival will be greeted by the armed forces. However, unexpectedly, it turns out they were greeted by dozens of beautiful women who accompanied with delicious dishes. With the softness of these beautiful women, Majapahit troops began to waver to launch an attack until finally accepted the offer.
After the Majapahit troops finished a meal and rest for a moment, Datuk Tantejo Garhano soon invite their leaders to the palace to meet the King.
"Come, sir! We are waiting for Mr. King in the palace! "Coaxed Datuk Tantejo Garhano politely.
"Well, I will soon meet your king," replied the leader of the troops.
Arriving at the palace, Datuk Tantejo Garhano squad leader was immediately ushered into the courtroom. There, the King with punggawanya seen sitting waiting.
"Welcome, sir, 'said the King," Come on, please sit down! "
"Thank you, sire," said the leader.
"What the hell Mr. hither?" Asked the King pretended not to know.
"We were sent by the King of Majapahit to conquer Pagaruyung. We had to return in triumph, "replied the leader.
"Oh, so," replied the King, smiling, "We understand the task master. But, what if we replace this battle with the buffalo fights. Tujuangan is to avoid bloodshed among our troops. "
Majapahit squad leaders were silent. After thinking for a moment, he finally agreed to the proposal of the King.
"Well, my lord the king. We accepted the offer sire, "replied the leader.
Finally, both parties agreed to argue the buffalo. If the buffalo belonged to the King defeated, the kingdom Pagaruyung otherwise subdued. But, if the buffalo's Majapahit lose, they will be allowed to return to the island of Java in peace.
In the agreement, not specified the type and size of the buffalo that will be the complaint. Therefore want to win the match, Majapahit troops chose a buffalo's most big, strong, and tough. Meanwhile, the King choosing a baby buffalo who are nursing. However, at the mouth of the buffalo boy mounted a conical tapered iron. The day before the match was held, the buffalo boy was deliberately made hungry by means separated from its mother.
The next day, two buffalo complaint promptly brought to the arena in a vast meadow. The audience from both sides, too, were gathered at the edge of the arena to watch the match which will take place is fierce. Both sides were cheered to support the complaint buffalo respectively.
"Come on, a small buffalo. Beat the big buffalo! "Shouted the crowd of party Pagaruyung.
Support from the Majapahit troops did not want to lose.
"Come on, big buffalo. Just chopped buffalo snot-nosed kids that! "
The atmosphere in the field was even more crowded. Both buffalo complaint has been brought into the arena. The atmosphere was transformed into silence. Spectators from both sides looked tense. Once both are removed buffalo, buffalo belong to the Majapahit looks fierce and wild. Meanwhile, the child's buffalo hunt Pagaruyung immediately wanted to suckle on the big buffalo because they thought their mother.
No doubt, the buffalo's stomach hurt Majapahit was exposed sharp stab of iron attached to the mouth of the child's Pagaruyung buffalo. After several punctures, buffalo Majapahit's army finally collapsed and lying on the ground. Seeing this, the audience of any party Pagaruyung cheering happily.
"... Kabau Manang, Manang Kabau ...," so they cried.
Finally, Majapahit troops declared defeat in those games. They were allowed to return to the Majapahit in peace. Meanwhile, news of the victory Pagarayung buffalo scattered throughout the country. The word that means winning manang Kabau buffalo was the talk everywhere. Over time, the pronunciation of the word changed to the word minang manang. Since then, the place was called Nagari Minangkabau, which is a village (village) called Minangkabau.
To commemorate the event, the population of the country Pagaruyung rangkiang designing a house (attic) whose roof resembles the shape of buffalo horns. That said, the house was built on the border, where the Majapahit troops entertained by beautiful women Pagaruyung.
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Name Origin stories such Nagari Minangkabau of West Sumatra. The story above is just a legend that does not necessarily correspond with the facts of history. Regardless of right or wrong story above, what matters is the moral message contained behind it. One moral to be learned is that war should not be taken by violence (gunfire) in order to avoid casualties.
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